Another week, another nice discovery. Well, rediscovery, if I’m to be honest, as I’ve known about the not-so-secret spiral staircase at Heal’s in Tottenham Court Road in London – only I haven’t visited the shop in years. Yesterday, while looking for a thing or two in that area, I went into Heal’s and my mind was temporarily blown by the gorgeous Art Deco (please correct me, if I got that bit completely wrong) staircase at the back of the store.
If you don’t know what I’m talking about, here it is (just excuse the Instagrammed-to-death picture, I didn’t have my DSLR on me):
A quick research on Flickr revealed more images of the beautiful staircase. And although very similar, they all highlight the staircase’s lovely features, only confirming that this is every (architectural) photographer’s dream location.