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Michal Dzierza

A quick trip back to Sorrento

A few months ago I posted a handful of images of a bunch of Sorrento pensioners playing cards and having fun. At the same time, I started putting a short video together – or rather an audio slideshow – featuring the same images, but with some music. Fast forward four months – and voila! I eventually dusted that long-forgotten project off and here is the outcome: a short video called “People of Sorrento”.

Apart from the chirpy pensioners playing cards, I’ve also included several of my favourite shots of the omnipresent Italian scooters and (possibly even more importantly), their drivers.

I mentioned both the card players and the scooters in my previous posts, so I won’t elaborate on that now.

If southern Italy is your thing, or perhaps if you are into black and white street photography, or if you simply have a couple of minutes to spare, here is – four months later than planned – my Italian video.

And now I officially declare that trip archived forever.

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